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Cáceres, Extremadura, España, Tel: +34 676 829 172

Our services

And for your convenience...

Front desk

10:00 h - 18:00 h

After 6 p.m., you may contact us by phone
(+34 676 82 91 72)


throughout the hotel

Free WiFi for guests.

With all 5 senses

Activities and packages

Hábitat Cigüeña Negra offers guests festive events, food events and oil-tourism and stargazing activities, as well as other proposals available in the area: hiking, horseback riding, guided theme tours...

You’ll also find a wide range of special packages to choose the Hábitat Cigüeña Negra experience that best suits your getaway.

If you don’t want to miss our latest news and proposals, visit our blog and follow us on Instagram and Facebook.

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Habitat Cigüeña Negra

Design: tactic [studio] 2021